
  • PHENex
    Vol. 1 No. 1 (2009)

  • PHENex
    Vol. 2 No. 1 (2010)

  • PHENex
    Vol. 2 No. 2 (2010)

  • Fall

    Vol. 2 No. 3 (2010)

  • We're all 'fore' Spring

    Vol. 3 No. 1 (2011)

  • PHENex
    Vol. 3 No. 2 (2011)

  • PHEnex
    Vol. 3 No. 3 (2011)

  • Aging Boomer at Leisure

    Vol. 4 No. 1 (2012)

    March 2012
  • Revue phénEPS-PHEnex Journal
    Vol. 7 No. 2 (2015)

    Bonjour / Hello

    Three articles are included in the Feature section of this issue of Revue phénEPS-PHEnex Journal.

    At the Université de Sherbrooke, Sylvie Beaudoin, Jean-Pierre Brunelle, and Carlo Spallanzani share their action research in “The Journey of Two Physical and Health Teachers in Learning to Teach Personal and Social Responsibility.” In their article, these authors document the journey of two teachers as they prepare to teach personal and social responsibility.  The authors discuss aspects of providing effective professional development for teachers.

    In the article, “Balls, Barbells & Sock Poi: The Progression of Keeping Fit,” Stephen Smith from Simon Fraser University challenges readers to consider a broader definition of fitness. He suggests a definition that is less focused on elite physical performance and more focused on the capabilities for involvement in a wide range of physical activities will ultimately allow more individuals to experience the joy of movement.

    Kate Storey and her colleagues at the University of Alberta continue their work in comprehensive school health in their article, “Preparing School Health Facilitators: Building Competence and Confidence in a New Role.” They discuss the challenges associated with preparing health facilitators to work effectively in a complex school community.

    Vous retrouverez dans notre section Avis et communiqués l'annonce de la nomination de deux coéditeur /coéditrice francophone. On y trouve également une invitation à un symposium sur l'état de la recherche sur l'intervention éducative en éducation physique et santé, symposium qui se tiendra en mai 2016. 

    Bonne lecture. 

    Nous vous souhaitons un automne coloré !

    Wishing all a colorful fall !

    Sandra Gibbons et Pierre Boudreau

    Revue phénEPS-PHEnex Journal


  • Revue phénEPS-PHEnex Journal
    Vol. 7 No. 3 (2016)

    From the editors / des éditeurs

    Four articles are included in the Feature section of this issue of Revue phénEPS-PHEnex Journal.

    Nous vous proposons également un texte dans notre section Point de vue  sur les dangers du feedback positif à outrance dans l’enseignement de l’éducation physique.

    Lauren Brooks-Cleator and Audrey Giles, from the University of Ottawa, share their research in “Physical Activity for Older Aboriginal Adults: A Call for Cultural Safety.”  Through their analyses, these authors emphasize the need for communication strategies to ensure that physical activity guidelines are culturally safe for older Aboriginal adults.

    Mélissa Leduc et Diane Culver, également de l’Université d’Ottawa, nous proposent une recherche intitulée “Retour sur l’apprentissage de formateurs d’entraîneurs”. Cette recherche décrit comment des formateurs d’entraîneurs développent leurs connaissances et habiletés à offrir une formation base sur l’approche pédagogique de problème à résoudre.

    In the article, “Team Building using a Challenge Ropes Experience in Youth Sport,” Kelsea Stewart, Jeremy Carreau, and Mark Bruner examine the impact of participation in a challenge ropes course on the group cohesion of young female athletes and their coaches.

    Corliss Bean and his colleagues tapped the perspectives of ten hockey insiders to explore negative parent behaviours in their article, “Negative Parental Behaviour in Canadian Minor Hockey: Insiders’ Perceptions and Recommendations.”  The authors provide insight into a variety of actions designed to reduce these negative behaviours.

    Enfin dans la section Point de vue, dans un texte “Pour mettre fin au “positivisme” démesuré et déraisonnable dans l’enseignement de l’éducation physique”, j’attire l’attention sur certains impacts potentiellement moins positifs du feedback positif offert, souvent à profusion, par les enseignants d’éducation physique.


    Bonne lecture. Vos commentaires sont toujours appréciés.

    Enjoy the season and this number.Your comments are appreciated.


    Pierre Boudreau and/ et Sandra Gibbons


    Revue phénEPS-PHEnex Journal




  • Revue phénEPS-PHEnex Journal
    Vol. 8 No. 1 (2016)

    Bon été après une bonne lecture! 

    Enjoy the summer after a good read! 

    Four articles are included in the Feature section of this issue of Revue phénEPS-PHEnex Journal.

    In the article, “The Role of CSH Principal in Knowledge Sharing and Use,” Erica Roberts and her colleagues from the University of Alberta share their research on important part the school principal plays in the implementation of strategies within the comprehensive school health framework. In particular, they emphasize the principal’s role in ensuring knowledge is shared with parents of students.

    Karen Berezowski and Daniel Robinson from St. Francis Xavier University tapped the perspectives of four students to formulate their article entitled, “The Yoga 11 Experience: Case Study of an Alternative Physical Education Course.”  Through the analyses of in-depth interviews, the authors shared insights into the impact that participation in this yoga class had on the overall health of these students.  They remind the reader of the importance of providing a range of physical activity alternatives to meet the goals of physical education.

    In the article, “Creating Healthy Schools and Student Engagement: The Got Health? Initiative,” Steven Berg, Sally Willis-Stewart, and Stephanie Kendall from the University of British Columbia Okanagan examine the use of student-led inquiry projects designed to engage students in making healthy changes in their school environment. Findings emphasized the importance of students feeling a sense of connection to their school as they endeavour to make change.

    Timothy Baghurst from Oklahoma State University and his colleagues, share their research in their article “Objective Measures of PETE Student Achievement and Maintenance of Physical Activity and Fitness.”  These authors examined the possibility of the use of accelerometers as an equitable alternative to fitness testing physical education teacher education students for program accreditation purposes. Results showed promising potential and the need to continue research on this alternative measurement strategy.

  • Revue phénEPS-PHEnex Journal
    Vol. 8 No. 2 (2016)

    Bonne lecture à tous et toutes !

    Wishing all a good reading!


  • Revue phénEPS-PHEnex journal
    Vol. 9 No. 2 (2018)

    Bonne lecture de ce numéro de 

    Revue phénEPS-PHEnex Journal. 

    Bon hiver!


    Enjoy this latest issue of 

    Revue phénEPS-PHEnex Journal. 

    Enjoy winter !


    Antony Card / Sandra Gibbons / Pierre Boudreau

    editors - éditeur


  • Revue phénEPS / PHEnex Journal
    Vol. 9 No. 3 (2018)

    L'édition estivale de  

    Revue phénEPS-PHEnex Journal. 

    Summer edition


    Les éditeurs / the editors

    Antony, Sandra, Sylvain et Pierre 

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