Initial Development of the French-Canadian Coaching Life Skills in Sport Questionnaire (FC-CLSS-Q)



Having access to tools that measure the extent to which coaches teach life skills development and transfer to athletes can help coaches be more intentional in their approach. This study aimed to facilitate access by developing and evaluating the psychometric properties of a French-Canadian version of the Coaching Life Skills in Sport Questionnaire (FC-CLSS-Q). After professionally translating the CLSS-Q and obtaining evidence for the face and content validity of the scale, data from 167 Francophone Québec based coaches were used to test the factor structure with exploratory structural equation modeling and confirmatory factor analyses. Internal consistency reliability, construct, concurrent and criterion validity, and measurement invariance of the FC-CLSS-Q were also explored. A 28-item 5-factor questionnaire was determined andinitial evidence for the validity and reliability of the FC-CLSS-Q was found. Replicating this study with a larger less homogeneous sample is necessary to better understand the psychometric properties of the FC-CLSS-Q.


2024-08-21 — Mis(e) à jour 2024-10-22



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