Exemplars of Servant Leadership in Sport: Henrik & Daniel Sedin


  • Carolyn Lee Crippen University of Victoria
  • Dave Nagel M.A. Leadership Studies

Mots-clés :

philosophical, cultural, sociological


Servant leadership develops caring, respectful, inclusive communities. The purpose of this article is to investigate its presence from the perspective of two elite NHL hockey players and their leadership style on and off the ice. A face-to-face interview was conducted with Henrik and Daniel Sedin, of the Vancouver Canucks. This case study provides evidence to support the existence of the servant leadership philosophy in sport.   In this time of societal violence, especially in hockey, perhaps the Sedins’ modeling of a servant-leader attitude, coupled with their elite status can be a beacon for youth today.

Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Carolyn Lee Crippen, University of Victoria

Associate Professor, Leadership Studies & Graduate Advisor,

Dept. of Educational Psychology & leadership Studies,

Faculty of Education

University of Victoria

Dave Nagel, M.A. Leadership Studies

Doctoral student in leadership studies in Dept. of Psychology & Leadership Studies

Doctoral Adviser:  Dr. Carolyn Crippen






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