Increasing Enjoyment in Physical Education through Gender Segregated Classes


  • Marc Toms Memorial University
  • Linda Elizabeth Rohr Memorial University

Mots-clés :

Pedagogical, Motivation, Enjoyment


Physical inactivity is a growing concern for adolescents across Canada (CCHS, 2010). Regularly scheduled physical education periods during school time can act as a platform to counteract the rising physical inactivity levels. However, junior high students sometimes have reservations about physically exerting themselves in the presence of opposite gendered peers (Maihan, Murrie, Gonzalez, & Jobe, 2006).  In this project gender segregated physical education was explored as an alternate setting to alleviate these pressures. Sixty-six junior high students (thirty-eight boys and twenty-eight girls) participated in a five-class unit of gender-segregated physical education.  Data was collected via the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (Deci & Ryan, 1985), focus group sessions, as well as observational notes. The results provide evidence for the positive impact of gender segregated physical education classes at the grade eight and nine level. Grade seven students however reported less interest in the gender-segregated environment. 


Biographie de l'auteur-e

Linda Elizabeth Rohr, Memorial University

Associate Professor






Feature Articles / Articles de fond