About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Revue phénEPS-PHEnexJournal publishes empirical, theoretical, and methodological research, and position papers, as well as reviews and critical essays by Canadian and International authors. Research methodologies may be quantitative, qualitative or mixed method and may use data gathered through historical analysis, surveys, fieldwork, action research, participant observation, content analysis, simulations. Articles most appropriate for Revue phénEPS-PHEnex Journal focus on pedagogical, social, cultural, philosophical, psychological, historical, sociological or management issues in physical education, physical activity, teacher education, health education, dance, recreation, or leisure studies.

Peer Review Process

1. English or French language submissions intended for the "Feature Articles," section are reviewed through a blind peer review process by two anonymous reviewers. Submissions in French or English for the "Focus and view point" section are reviewed by the French or English language editor.

2. When reviewing a submission, reviewers are guided by 4 questions:

a. Is the topic of the manuscript progressive? 
b. Is the author of the manuscript asking interesting/challenging/new/progressive questions? 
c. Is the author using appropriate methods to gather and analyze data?
d. After considering the whole manuscript the reviewer should be able to answer reasonably the "So what?" question?

As well, the reviewer also considers relevance, methodology, presentation, data analysis, discussion, and clarity.

3. Once the manuscript has been submitted to review, authors may expect to receive comments within 6-8 weeks.

4. Reviewers for the journal must be tenured or tenure-track professors or Ph.D. candidates in the field of the submission. 

Publication Frequency

Revue phénEPS-PHEnex Journal  normally publishes three issues per calendar year (March, July and November).

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

User Registration

Thank you for your interest in Revue phénEPS-PHEnex journal .

Readers are encouraged to register as users with the journal. To submit a manuscript, you have to be registered as user.

To register, please send an email to the chief editor (Nathan Hall. nhall@brocku.ca)  with the following information:

Position / function 

You will be sent a username and a password you can change by accessing your profile. 

Do not hesitate to contact the journal  chief editor (Nathan Hall,- nhall@brocku.ca) for any other questions you may have. 


Administration of the journal is done through Acadia University's Vaughan Memorial Library