Culturally Relevant Physical and Health Education: Perspectives from Racially Minoritized Female High School Graduates


  • Sopear Chhin
  • LeAnne Petherick University of British Columbia
  • Leisha Strachan University of Manitoba
  • Joannie Halas University of Manitoba


The purpose of this interpretive research study was to deepen our understanding of the meaning of culturally relevant physical and health education (CRPHE) pedagogy from the perspective of racialized women. Four female students from East Indian, Filipino and Trinidadian backgrounds participated in a talking circle where they discussed their past experiences in physical and health education (PHE) settings. Inspired by Indigenous approaches to research and building upon the theoretical foundations of culturally relevant pedagogy the findings reinforce the importance of consistent and high teacher expectations for students while also revealing the ongoing need for culturally relevant pedagogical approaches that recognize, affirm, integrate, and develop the cultural capacities of students. Importantly, the study revealed the unrealized potential of PHE to develop students’ critical social consciousness in relation to social issues impacting their PHE experiences. Participants suggested that they be included in the sharing of responsibility for building a more inclusive PHE experience.

Key words:  Culturally relevant pedagogy; critical social consciousness; PHE experiences


2022-05-03 — Updated on 2022-05-06




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