A Wisdom Response to Physical and Health Education: Part I – Course Design


  • Michelle Kilborn University of Calgary
  • Lisa Taylor University of Calgary


This article focuses on the authors’ experiences challenging Western-dominant norms in physical and health education teacher education (PHETE) in CITY, Canada. By incorporating Indigenous ways of life into PHETE, the authors aimed to create a PHETE space that challenged Western norms and embraced wisdom traditions. This exploration was inspired by Gadamerian philosophical hermeneutics and informed by wisdom traditions. The purpose of this article is to share the authors’ experiences of bringing Blackfoot ways into a PHETE class. This article is the first of two parts; this first part focuses on the design and planning of the Fall 2022 course, while the second part focuses on the experiences in class with students.

Author Biography

Lisa Taylor, University of Calgary

PhD Candidate, Werklund School of Education
University of Calgary





Feature Articles / Articles de fond