Diversity, equity and inclusion in the field of economics in Atlantic Canada
During the fall of 2022, we conducted an online survey of economists in Atlantic Canada to: (1) examine their distribution by dimension of diversity; and (2) characterize climate in the economics profession, both overall and by dimension of diversity. Our results indicate that the proportion of economists who identify as female is smaller compared to the population in Atlantic Canada. The opposite is true for the proportion of economists who are foreign born, those identify as a visible and/or ethnic minority, and economists who speak a different language at home and work. In terms of climate, approximately 40 percent of economists in Atlantic Canada are not satisfied with their work-life balance, almost a quarter do not feel intellectually included in the field, a third do not feel socially included, and more than 40 percent do not feel respected. Likewise, almost 30 percent of survey respondents have personally experienced discrimination in the field and/or their workplace, compared to about 13 percent in the economics profession at the national level. Economists in Atlantic Canada also report personal experiences of harassment in the field and their workplace. Considering differences by dimension of diversity, we find that female economists, those who have a disability, those who are foreign born, economists who identify as a visible and/or ethnic minority, and those who speak a different language at home and work are more likely to face challenges related to general climate, discrimination and harassment in the field and/or their workplace. On balance, this study elucidates the need for policy and practice aimed at improving diversity, equity and inclusion in the economics profession in Atlantic Canada, as well as the characteristics of economists who stand to benefit from such efforts.
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